Thursday, September 8, 2016

Meet Matthew

 Meet Matthew

   I'm Matthew Hammons, an engineering student at Glendale Community College. I started this college thing recently, and I'm enjoying it quite a bit so far. I have always loved learning, and am a repository for a wide array of mostly useless information. I spend a large portion of my free time reading articles on anything from current events to animal trivia. I also read books so quickly that I often end up exhausting the list of books I want to read. I listen to almost any music, other than country, though my favorites are rock. Lately I've been addicted to the musical Hamilton. If you haven't heard it, it's on Spotify for free, and it's well worth the time and effort. It doubles as a crash course on one of the most important yet underappreciated founding fathers, as well as the formation of the United States. Other than all that, I build computes for my friends, cook pretty well, enjoy working with my hands, and love my dog Loki way too much.

Look at that cute punk. How could you not love him?

   I left high school in 2007, and enlisted in the Army. Originally I only meant to do four years and then go to college, but I turned out to be a very good soldier. I was a metalworker by trade, and quickly rose through the ranks, achieving the rank of Sergeant after only two and a half years, and the rank of Staff Sergeant in just six and a half years. In this time I deployed twice to Afghanistan, lived in six states (mostly Alaska and North Carolina), as well as spending decent amounts of time in a few more states and seven countries. I finally decided it was time to get out after eight years and some health problems to pursue my education. I am happy to be a civilian again, and I only miss a few things. I miss the people I worked with and lead, Alaska, and jumping out of aircraft.

   That's enough about me for now. I look forward to getting to know all of you a little better and learning from you. I hope we can have some good discussions, and become better people because of them.


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